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Dr. apt. Mochammad Amrun Hidayat, S.Si., M.Farm. is a Senior Lecturer in the Pharmaceutical Biology Department, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Jember. His current research is developing paper-based chemical sensors, biosensors, and sensor arrays for determining the polyphenol content and antioxidant capacity of plant extracts.
I am currently member of Research Groups (Kelompok Riset) at both of Faculty and Department Level, namely: The Chemical and Biosensor Group (CBG) and The Biomaterials and Bioproducts (B&B).
The CBG is mainly dealt with the development of chemical sensor and biosensor for detecting chemicals, pharmaceuticals, food and beverages, contaminants, etc.; while B&B is focuses to develop biomaterials such as: therapeutic proteins, enzyme for biosensor, and pharmaceutical excipients.
The detailed information of The CBG can be found here.
All about Keris UNEJ can be seen here.
Academic Profile
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Don't hesitate to contact me :
▸ ✉ Email: amrun.farmasi@unej.ac.id ▸ ✆ Phone/Fax: +62331 324736